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The Video Game Newsroom Time Machine is a weekly retro gaming podcast in which we travel back in time to see what was making headlines 40, 30, and 20 years ago in the arcade, video game, and computer gaming business and interview industry veterans. 

We try to put those events into historical context to understand how the industry of today came to be. 

It's fun and educational! (in case you need to justify listening to it to a significant other)

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Oct 28, 2019

I had the good fortune to interview Ed Zaron, founder of Muse Software. Not only did he found one of the first computer gaming companies back in 1978, but he helped bring titles such as Robotwar, Firebug, Castle Wolfenstein, and Space Taxi to the masses, to say nothing of his friendship and work with the legendary Silas Warner.

He was a bit apprehensive at first as he didn't think he had a lot to tell, but we ended up talking for over two hours about everything possibly related to computers and tech. I've cut it down to just one hour of the prime cuts of Muse goodness.

He does misspeak at one point, saying that he filed for bankruptcy in 1981, but it was 1985.
