Mar 20, 2023
Video game violence begins to make operators uneasy
3DO plans to shake up console biz
Federal investigation into Nintendo dropped
These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM
This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and
around the video game industry in February 1993.
As always, we'll...
Mar 6, 2023
Few eras of gaming history are more legend filled than the British bedroom coder boom of the early 1980s. Martin Wheeler wasn't just one of them but continues to be a pioneer or one-man coding in the VR space of today.
Recorded March 2022.
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Mar 2, 2023
Atari announces mass layoffs,
Time names the personal computer the man of the year &
Nintendo launches the Game and Watch in North America
These stories and many more on this episode of the VGNRTM
This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and
around the video game industry in February 1983.
As always,...