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The Video Game Newsroom Time Machine is a weekly retro gaming podcast in which we travel back in time to see what was making headlines 40, 30, and 20 years ago in the arcade, video game, and computer gaming business and interview industry veterans. 

We try to put those events into historical context to understand how the industry of today came to be. 

It's fun and educational! (in case you need to justify listening to it to a significant other)

Consider supporting us on Patreon

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Nov 9, 2023

This is the full 7 Minutes in Heaven clip for the September 1983 episode covering Battlezone on the Atari 2600.

An error in the edit of the full episode cut it short, so I decided to upload it to the feed as its own file.

Remember, you can also watch Alex and my commentary on his actual 7 minutes of gameplay by becoming a patron: