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The Video Game Newsroom Time Machine is a weekly retro gaming podcast in which we travel back in time to see what was making headlines 40, 30, and 20 years ago in the arcade, video game, and computer gaming business and interview industry veterans. 

We try to put those events into historical context to understand how the industry of today came to be. 

It's fun and educational! (in case you need to justify listening to it to a significant other)

Consider supporting us on Patreon

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Dec 30, 2020

Gene Lipkin leaves Atari
Electronic toys are heading for a cliff
Digital information services go corporate

These stories and many more on this episode of the Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in December of 1980.
As always,...

Dec 20, 2020

From stacking inventory on the Parker Brothers loading docks, to being knee deep in the trenches of the video game crash, to founding Hasbro Interactive and helping acquire Magic and D&D, Tom Dusenberry has seen the industry like few others and he's here to share his story, his passion for innovation, and some...

Dec 13, 2020

Tom Clancy sells to UbiSoft
AOL gets sued by its volunteers
Uwe Boll sets his sights on games

These stories and many more on this episode of the Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in November of 2000.
As always, we'll mostly be...

Dec 6, 2020

Nintendo goes 16 bit in Japan
Blockbuster tries to pull some political strings,
The Bitmap Brothers go Renegade

These stories and many more on this episode of the Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

This episode we will look back at the biggest stories in and around the video game industry in November of 1990.

Nov 29, 2020

Midway's lawyers are on a tear,
Atari's profits are breaking records,
Apple bets on the luck of the Irish

These stories and many more on this episode of the Video Game Newsroom Time Machine

We celebrate our second anniversary with a change to our format.

Now, instead of a giant ep a month, you'll get three weekly...